Saturday, 10 March 2012

Kim's First Post!

I thought I would add some pics of my friends and family that will be joining us in Kauai as well...

My parents, Allen and Linda, will be making the trip to Kauai along with my sister Natalie, and her two boys, Merrick (in the stroller) and Xander (still a twinkle in Alan's eye at the time of this photo). My brother in law, Alan, is still a maybe for joining us in Kauai at this point, depending on if he can get the time off from his medical student residency. My parents live in Lethbridge, AB, and this photo is from a nice fall day there during a stroll near the river. My sister lives in Calgary with her husband and two boys. I'm so glad they'll (hopefully all) be able to join us, and I found them a nice little condo a few minutes walk away from our vacation house.

Say hello to Pedram, Alaina, and Karen.  I first met Alaina in grade 10 (way back in 1990) in our hometown of Lethbridge, and through her I met her younger sister, Karen. Alaina and I were inseparable in high school, and it was with Alaina that I first moved out to Vancouver for the summer of '95. We rented a one room apartment and found summer jobs, and we had a blast. All good things must end however, and I went back to Lethbridge to go to college, and Alaina stayed here in Vancouver. That's when Karen and I started hanging out together, until she moved out to Vancouver too. I fell in love with Vancouver while working here for the summer, and with my friends living out here, it seemed like a good place to be, so I moved back in '96 and have been here ever since. About 10 of those years were spent in a little house on Blenheim street with Karen as my roommate, or 'wife' as we referred to each other after being roommates for so long. But, along came Dusit in '06 to sweep me off my feet, so Karen is now my ex-wife. I guess our marriage ended when I moved in with Dusit in '09, but officially when Karen and Pedram got married in May of 2011 : )

BTW - Alaina is joining us on the Kalalau trail during the first part of the Kauai trip too!!

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